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It's more than trendy for both job seekers and hirers to talk about, and prioritize, “culture” these days

Candidates want to find “it”. Employers believe they offer “it”. But what is it? 

What are WE ALL yearning for? 

Do you, as a business leader, truly provide it? 

If you saw it, would you know it? 

Best practices gurus mandate the creation of Corporate Culture. Then they preach only hiring those that focus on it and fit in. Is this advice instructive or destructive?

Well-intentioned clients instruct me-as their 3rd party recruiter at to unearth personnel that will blend into their well-established, specific environment as well. 

The problem with this theory is that it's just that. I encounter so many professionals throwing the term -culture- around so frequently; it's become hollow and nebulous. One that leads to more frustration than satisfaction because we're all searching for something fundamentally ephemeral.

Recruiting well-qualified talent is hard enough.

Can You Create A More Sustainable Connection?

So let's examine what leaders of companies do to attract what I call ‘star-caliber talent”.

The ultra-successful clients I am blessed to partner with connect with their employees daily. Their leaders remove obstacles for their staff. They get timely data by asking pertinent questions, sincerely listening. Then they attempt to address the challenge. They consistently circle back with their employees to gauge progress. They collaborate and treat their people like partners not headcount. 

These tactics create a togetherness and purpose that endures.

We all have metrics to manage and achieve. We don't have to be metrics-obsessed! If your focus is numbers, you may or may not get them. If your intention is to help your employees get better at their jobs strong talent will gravitate to you.  

Elite leaders are innately inspirational and empowering.  But Corporate American influencers ( from VCs to CFOs ) are muzzling their hearts. Many SaaS companies are process and or engineering-driven to a fault. This trend needs to be reversed now. Do you dare to be a change-agent?

If you are wondering why your bottom-line growth is suffering, despite great tech, consider a shift to uplifting your troops. 

Exceptional companies offer their employees an opportunity to be a member of an evolving, yet structured form of community. I'll define this as a group of people with common goals and a shared mission. We're all tethered to one another. The question is how strong is the rope?

Leadership's New Measuring Stick 

I believe it's time to ask yourself what impact you're having on your colleagues.

It's time we, as a society, stop pretending to be whole through the support of our families, friends, and personal network. It's time for us, as a working-class world, to stop shying away from the need for emotional support and connection at work.

If I were to administer a lie-detector test to the candidates we recruit, I'd bet my bottom dollar they would admit cherishing a meaningful, some might call it personal, caring relationship with their “boss”. What a weird word- boss is to begin with. It connotes exploitation in a world in which we all crave to be surrounded by supporters.

Is your team working with you or for you? Under your scrutiny or valued as a unique asset?

We can all be more aware and conscious of the impact of our words and actions. Each of us has a ripple effect on the FEELING BEINGS we share goals with.

Allow Me To Offend You 

If your comfort zone as a manager is more important than your employee's reality, it's time for you to step down. Or at least take a break to dig into that question.

If your personnel cannot feel a sense of belonging from 9 to 5, why would they show up? What percentage of your company feels accepted for who they are? How many are afraid to admit they want connection because they're scarred by previous employment relationships?

I haven't heard one industry expert anywhere explain why so many “eligible” employees remain on the sideline. Here's a clue. They are disenfranchised, alienated and disconnected from the powers they're being summoned to work for.

It's time to reach out with more open arms, dig in with more heart-felt communication.

The time has come for owners and operators to embrace what's not ideal about their employees, and  job applicants. When performance is less than satisfactory, we need to inform, educate, train, instruct and illuminate. Judgement without guidance sucks!

This strategy does not preclude terminating those that don't fit. The more transparently you communicate with your employees, the more likely you'll both know if/when it's time to move on.  Parting ways does not have to be stressful and punitive.

The Three Rs

The most talented, enlightened, coveted professionals in today's competitive market expect employers to embrace the 3Rs. 

First, they demand to be recognized. Consistently!

Second, they assume you will respect them, in and out of the office.

And yes, they all want to be rewarded. Not just in dollars and or stock options. In benefits and freedom and chances to be heard and choices to be exercised. 

Fortunately, a few innovative SaaS providers offer applications addressing the demand for employee recognition. Check out for a solution that may appeal to you.

Right Now An Awesome Opportunity Exists For Leaders 

COVID-19, and the panic-driven treatment of the virus, has fundamentally altered the workforce worldwide. Supply chains globally continue to be impacted. To counter these alterations, C and V levels need to rise to another level of leadership.

You're now charged with the responsibility of motivating a smaller talent pool. One that has been beaten down by overriding forces in our society. The mass media constantly bombards us with an ominous campaign of gloom and doom. The wealthiest companies with the largest loudspeakers are addicted to spreading messages aimed at dividing us along political, social, religious, racial, gender, sexual orientation, financial etc. lines. 

This fabricated, yet pervasive, sense of separateness affects every one of your employees. And they are yearning for wholeness. The lines between our pro lives and personal lives are less clear than ever. This transformation yields an opportunity for those that choose to lead with their hearts!

Whether you like it or not, you are the emotional umbilical cord for those that report to you for most of their waking hours. 

I'm suggesting you be the light post within your company/community. Uplift others and watch them catch the energy you are ready to share. You possess the power to create an extraordinary cohort. Today's leading edge executives are shaping and forming congregations by connecting with their employees on an emotional and spiritual level.

As an employer, you have a multi-generational chance to unite people. Why not try to create a sense of unity within the workplace? Start by being grateful for the people that have chosen to work around you.

Just imagine how powerful your company's energy could be if most of your employees felt truly connected. Not just by your technology or your equity package, but by your relationships. By a kinship that permeates their desire to perform to their best ability.

I’m Here To Help  

For me, this message goes way beyond my recruiting practice. So If you're looking for ideas or suggestions on how to unite or connect, or to build a community-based workforce, I'm here to help. No placement strings attached! 

It's not just about culture, whatever that is. It's about everyone waking up, reaching out, digging deeper, caring more, and pulling together to evolve into healthier places to work!

As many of you know, I'm now certified as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher. If you're looking for renewed stores of energy within you, find it at Yoga's impact on my nervous and glandular systems is nothing short of miraculous. If you're like me, you'll sleep, digest and move better through a daily practice. If you're interested in attending on-line or in-person classes send me an email ) with the subject Yoga. 

Happy Heat Wave, Jordan 

Jordan Greenberg

With Pinnacle Source, our small, specialized team of recruiters takes the work off of your plate of unearthing and attracting hard-to-find sales performers.


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